WalmartOne Login
WalmartOne Help.
WalmartOne is the name of the associate portal for the Walmart Corporation. At Walmart One, you can check your schedule online, view your Walmart paystubs, see benefits information, and apply for holidays and days off, either from your desktop or with the WalmartOne App.
This page is dedicated to Associates’ comments, discussion, questions and answers.
Walmart Associate Login.
The official login page can be found at
If you alrady know your user ID and password, then you can just proceed with entering them and login. If you do not yet have User ID and WalmartOne password, then click on the “Register” link.

WalmartOne FAQ.
Question: I forgot my user name or password. What can I do?
Answer: Visit the login page and click the “Forgot User ID?” or “Forgot Password?” link. You can request that your user name be emailed to you, or reset your password using your security questions. If you do not have access to the email address that you registered with, or if you do not know the answers to your security questions, call WalmartOne’s employee service team at (800) 421-1362.
Question: I forgot my WM1 WalmartOne app PIN?
Answer: Open the WM1 app, and select “username login”, then log in with your user name and password. Once you log in, select the menu, then “settings” and “setup PIN number”.
Question: Which browser should I use for WalmartOne?
Answer: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are recommended.
Question: I cannot view my WalmartOne schedule online. What can I do?
Answer: Login in first and then check the the Schedule FAQ for more help on seeing your schedule online.
Question: I get the error, “User not found”, when I try to register. What can I do?
Answer: The error means that the information that was entered doesn’t match what’s in the WalmartOne system. Please contact your Personnel Manager or HR Representative to verify your hire date and WIN (Walmart Identification Number).
Question: I’m have just been hired by Walmart. What now?
Answer: You cannot register a WalmartOne account until your information has been entered into all Human Relations systems. This takes a few business days, or even up until you receive your first paycheck. If you are a re-hire and were registered with earlier, you have register once more, as your old account will have been deleted.
Share your problem or ask a qustion in the comment section below.
I am having the most horrible experience trying to log on to my information on scheduling and check stub
Hi Herbert, try using another browser or logging in from another device.
Has the log in procedure changed can not get to the sign in page
cannot log into Everything is online and cannot access it. great.
I can’t access my pay stub, how can I do that?
I used to be able to view it, but not anymore. How can that be fixed?
I can’t remember either one, password or user id and my email is not working, can they not send it to me by text message, please for both
Cant remember ID or password and new email address.
It’d help if I can actually type in my user i.d. and password… I click on the box, and nothing happens.
I cannot get into walmart site after I’ve logged in, I registered as a new user and had no problem. Nothing happens after I log in. I need help all I get is an error saying the site is unsafe, I’m using firefox.
I cannot get the Walmartone site. What is wrong?
I’m having nothing but problems with this. It won’t even let me register.
Try using Wal-Mart Stores Inc. It will take you to the Walmart login page and you can enter your information there. I used it all of the time when I wanted to see my check stub at home , always worked for me !
I have used the walmartone app for two years now on my phone and all of a sudden it is telling me it doesn’t recognize my user ID and password combination or my e-mail address when i try to get the username or password. I have changed nothing. how do I i fix this problem.
I am having a hard time registering myself to WalmartOne. After I put in my WIN etc. I go to a page to create my ID and PW. After I enter that information, I get a page that very helpfully says OOPS!. No other message on the page. What am I doing wrong?
i have not use the walmart one or login since like forever so i forgot my password and i think my email is different to i have since change emails so how do i go about changing everything email and password when i can’t even get on or it has no place for me to do that
My email address has changed and I can not login to Wal Mart 1
I can’t log on for my work schedule, I keep getting another page.
How long does it take to receive the validation code sent to my email address? I went through the process to register two days ago and have yet to receive a code to log in.
Been trying to login in for over a week the security questions I’ve answered seem to be wrong tried phoning 1 800 421 1362 the last 4 days, always says busy try later .
I have been trying to log on, I got my user ID sorted but it will not let me put a new password in ,I’ve tried every way I can, can somebody please tell me why this modern tech will not work.
im really upset with this walmartone I cant get on and I really need to I call and always get the same answer we r fixing it its been awhile tell me how I can get one please
Cannot get my schedule to come up anymore. Also my pay stub even answering my questions will not let me.
there is a new app on your phone that you can log on to to get your scedule its called my walmart scedule